Our Personal Mission

Hi I'm David and welcome to TechTownSave. Thank you for considering our site. I do appreciate you considering us for your purchase, I take no one for granted. My personal email address is niceguy4u2c@myyahoo.com and I am in San Antonio Texas. I am a Christian and I treat everyone as I want to be treated. If you ever have a comment, question or concern I ask that you please let me know so I can attend to you.  Also if you have any tips on how I can make our site better I would love to hear from you. 

I have loved technology since I was a kid and received walkie talkies as a gift. I would chat with my friend on his walkie talkie who lived down the block. Of course I would eventually open it up to see what was inside that made it work.  I'm an adult now with that same appreciation that we live in the electronic/ digital age and not the stone age lol. Can you imagine no Internet and no Net flicks lol.

This is literally my first business of any kind. I wanted to provide you with a wide selection of items. I APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS!!!